President's Award For Educational Excellence (Gold Seal) - recognizes academic success by either grade point average of 90 on 100 scale, A- on letter scale, or 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, PLUS high achievement on state or nationally normed reading or mathematics examinations (or) recommendations of a teacher plus one other staff member. |
PEAP Middle School Excellence Red Pin
PEAP Red Pin for middle school students who meet the excellence criteria.
Order 10+ pins of any combination per order and receive a $0.50 per pin discount!
Excellence Navy Blue Certificate Folder with Gold Embossing (Pack of 10)
Present the PEAP Excellence Certificates in style with these handsome folders. Navy Blue with Gold embossing.
Middle School Graduation Cord with Red Medallion
Gold Graduation Cords with Red Medallion may be presented, at your discretion, to middle school students who qualify for the PEAP Excellence Award Certificates. (1 ¾” in diameter with a 62” long cord)
President's Award For Educational Achievement (Silver Seal) - recognizes students who show outstanding education growth, improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subject, but who do not meet the criteria for the President's Award for Educational Excellence. |
PEAP Achievement White Pin
Attractive lapel pin for advancing/graduating students who meet the achievement criteria.
Order 10+ pins of any combination per order and receive a $0.50 per pin discount!
Achievement Navy Blue Certificate Folder with Silver Embossing (Pack of 10)
Present the PEAP Achievement Certificates in style with these handsome folders. Navy Blue with Silver embossing.
American Citizenship Certificate (Pack of 10)
*NEW* The American Citizenship Award may be presented, at your discretion, to any student in elementary, middle, or high school.
(Pack of 10)
American Citizenship Award Program is presented, at your discretion, to any student in elementary, middle, or high school. The award is meant to recognize students who possess strength of character, are school or community leaders, promote citizenship, or other similar characteristics of leadership. |
American Citizenship Pin
The American Citizenship Award is an attractive lapel pin that may be presented, at your discretion, to any student in elementary, middle, or high school.
(3/4” Wide X 7/8” High)
Does Not Qualify For Quantity Discount
American Citizenship Medallion
The American Citizenship Medallion may be presented, at your discretion, to any student in elementary, middle, or high school.
(1 ½” Wide X 2” Long with a 16” long cord)